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2012 Goals

2012 is going to be a very memorable year.

Being that it is still quite early in the year, I thought it might be appropriate to make a dream list of things I would like to accomplish in 2012. Here goes!

1. Get married. Obvious, I know, but I'm not there yet!

2. By the instruction and guidance of those who play much better than me, learn how to play bass guitar well.

3. Blog on a regular basis. At least twice a month.

4. See the Civil Wars again!

5. Connect with more people in my church. I can't tell you how many phone numbers I have that never get called because I am "too busy".

6. Be less busy.

7. Recycle every week. It's not hard, really.

8. Read more books. By the end of the year, I would like to have finished "The Age of Innocence" by Edith Wharton and "Persuasion" and "Sense and Sensibility", both by Jane Austen.

9. Get a nice layout for my blog.

10. Lead a lifegroup with Dave.

11. Take Zachary on a playdate once a week, preferably outside when it's nice out!

12. Reawaken my passion for healthy cooking.

13. Exercise at least three times a week.

14. Read the Bible often and memorize verses.

15. Write to my friends and family, longhand.

16. Do one thing- I don't care what it is- that I would normally be terrified to do, but found myself able through confidence and bravery.

17. Help Dave run sound during church service. I want to learn how to do more of what he does.

18. Take more baths.

19. Keep my house clean for a week straight. (Hey, a girl can dream...)

20. Go out of my way to be more friendly and positive in a way that represents God's love and shows I am His daughter.

Here is to a wonderful year to come!

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