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Tonight. I. Am. Free.

Today I woke up with bad thoughts. Today I let life get me down. Today I went to work, and worried. I picked Z up from daycare, and worried some more. I let the enemy keep me in bondage.

Tonight I am free. Tonight I had a conversation with a wonderful woman, and felt loved. Tonight I talked with my love, and felt pursued. Tonight I read and let myself be inspired. Tonight I talked with an old friend, and became hopeful. Tonight I am aware of the ever present truth in my heart that there is a loving, graceful God who is pursuing me ever so passionately, trying to awaken within me the dormant inspiration waiting just under the skin to live radically and openly, and to share the love of Christ tangibly with people that I meet.

O God, let me be like the Sea of Galilee, that I may pour out the blessings you have given me into others, so they might feel hope and that I may remain fresh and pure. Flush out the toxins in my soul so that I might fill a vital role in your Great Commission.

Help me reach others. Help me love others. Help me be brave enough to do the work you placed me here to do.

Tonight I am free.

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