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Coffee, Walks, and Beaches.

Since I have recently re-discovered my passion for writing, I have been feeling the need to just... well, write. I have talked with a couple different people about this, and I'm hearing a lot about needing to not listen to the "inner critic"and how writers tend to flail around for a little bit until something good is produced.

Really, I'm not trying to impress anyone. Writing is a creative outlet for me, and if flailing becomes the norm, so be it. What I'm really trying to do through this is, through reading and writing often, become practiced enough to create my own identity as a writer, and to develop my own unique style. And from that, be able to encourage others and reach others in ways I might not be able to do otherwise.

My mind is so funny. When I was a child I was told I had ADD, but really, I just think my mind moves way too fast for my body to keep up with half the time. I cannot tell you how many ideas get flushed through my brain on any given day. If I got into the habit off keeping a small notepad handy, by the end of the day I would never want for things to write about. The lovely thing about blogging is that I can type really fast, therefore keep up much better with the flow of my thoughts than when I write long-handed. I don't really like having a traffic jam of thoughts in my brain... it kills my inspiration, for some odd reason.....

I was talking with a friend today whose wife is an accomplished creative writer (this woman actually gives writing cool!) and seeking advice about writing in general. He recommended I read a book that his wife reads with her students, called "Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. The local library here in Lowell didn't have it, which gives me the oppotunity for a Barnes and Noble trip in the not too distant future (YAY!).

On any note, today I am feeling encouraged, close to God, and excited~ because I am finally embarking down a purposeful journey of an interest of my own, and especially because tomorrow I am getting coffee and going for a walk in Fallasburg Park with the lovely Marina Jones, and afterward having a beach day with Dave. Now if I don't have something interesting to write about coming back from a day like that, there is no hope for me...

....but of course I will!!   :)

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