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Babies and Business

What a crazy past few months it has been! Things are finally starting to slow down a little and I'm trying to take it all in stride. It's funny, I've always been a relaxed and chill sort of person and I LOVE my couch time. :) But there has been a fire burning inside me for awhile now that has kept me super motivated and almost type-a-ish about things. I am almost ready to launch my photography website which was 100% designed by me (!!!). That's crazy to even say because I am so not a techy-webby girl! My site is nothing fancy, but it is mine and there was a lot of blood, sweat, and tears involved and a LOT of very late nights and tired days as a result. So crazy though, how when you are passionate about something you find a way to power through. I wasn't trying to rush, I have no timeline, I just want to do it right and I enjoy doing it, really. Designing graphics and the challenge of figuring out the correct coding for the look I'm trying to achieve... it's exciting! The link to my site is in my menu bar as "photography". Check it out if you're interested!

You might have also noticed that things are looking a little different around here as well. With my whole "having created my own website" confidence I have now, I decided to change the look of this space to fit me better. I loved my old design but felt like I've grown out of it a bit. And when I do it myself I can make it look exactly (or very close to) how I want it, which is harder when someone else in another state who I've never met designs it. So ANYWAY.

I'm finding myself a little restless as I near the launch of my photography business. Most of the grunt work is done, I'm seven months pregnant and we are waiting to list our house for sale until the baby comes and we are all settled/adjusted. A photography friend of mine said it's like I'm pregnant with twins... a business and a baby! Haha I suppose metaphorically she is so right. So I'm at this point where a lot of exciting things are happening soon, and I'm just...well, waiting! My belly is getting heavy and my back is getting sore, and I'm coming to the realization that this baby is eventually going to have to come out (yay labor!) and I'm getting nervous about that. Sometime I will post my birth story with Julian on here, but for now suffice it to say that while everything went smooth medically, it was extremely fast, painful and overwhelming. And when I say painful, I don't mean regular birth. I had a regular labor and birth with my first son and loudly moaned through the excruciating contractions without the aid of pain meds... but the pain with Julian was on a whole 'notha level. Tell you what, just google "precipitous labor" and read some of the articles and maybe that will give you an idea. At least I managed to move on without therapy... not to be dramatic or anything. ;)

So, tomorrow is my 31st birthday and I'll be spending the day with my sweet family and having dinner with our great friends Kyle and Erika Johnson and their boys. We were with them last year at this time down in Florida. I can't believe it's been a year already. Wow! Time flies. I'm so thankful to have good friends to navigate life with. Makes it that much richer.

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