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Inspiration Overload

I am a mom and a homemaker. And I love it. Like, LOVE love it.

I love taking care of my children and tidying up my pretty home and cooking meals in my nice kitchen. I love driving my van around and getting coffee whenever I want. I love decorating and crafting. I am so blessed.

One can say, however, that while amazing, the life of a stay at home mom is not a glamorous one. Many days I don't even leave the house or do my hair or even look in the mirror. A lot of the time I have food of some sort on me somewhere and my hands are dry and scaly from washing them so many times after changing diapers. But for someone like me, this life is a dream come true.

That being said, there are some side effects that crop up from the inevitable isolation that all stay at home moms experience at some point. I am a very extroverted and social person, and I crave community and inspiration. Something that I struggle with is not having good boundaries with social media. I'm definitely not one of those crazy people who are ALWAYS on, but I do hop on often throughout the day to get my fix. I love Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook. They are the perfect combo because I get to dream about house projects and recipes, see beautiful pictures and see what everyone is up to. It's the perfect concoction to pacify or at least dull the intensity of my need to be with people or be creative. Which, when asked why I don't just simply do those things, I reply with, "ain't nobody got time for that!" ;)

What this all boils down to is when I don't set healthy boundaries with social media, I enter "dream mode". This is where my brain goes when it is tapped out and whirling with Inspiration Overload. Yea, that's totally a thing. I tend to forget that spending the last twenty minutes of Julian's nap skimming social media is not equal to spending twenty minutes reading a book or even watching a movie. Because once I set my device down and go to get my son from his crib, if I have been on social media of any sort, chances are it is still on my mind. If by chance I am not feeling the need to get back on, I am at least thinking about it and (if I was on pinterest) dreaming up house projects or something of the like. I just start dreaming. I will dream about certain decor projects, I will dream about this blog, I will dream about new recipes I want to try, I will dream about how I want to do my hair for my next date. I might see a picture on Instagram of a friend who is enjoying herself at her job which then reminds me of how much I loved having a "job" so then I start dreaming of how I could make my career as a homemaker more like a job. Which is just, no. NO.

The thing about social media, for me, is it is just filled with so many ideas for everything. And I'm an ideas girl. I love thinking and growing and achieving. I just cannot get enough of it. Fortunately I also love relaxing, so there is always a ceiling at some point. :) But recently, as I was sitting and musing over all the projects I want to do for the house, I was met with conviction by none other than J.K. Rowling when this little gem of a line popped into my head:

Dumbledore: "It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live."

I realized in that moment that I needed to set some boundaries with social media, because I. Am. A. Dreamer. Big time. I get excited when my head is filled with ideas because I believe in myself and I know I can make them happen! But when this is excitement is coupled with Inspiration Overload (from social media) and fueled by unmet social and creative needs, I not only tend to burn out quicker but just forget to be present, forget to "live". Which is pretty much the complete opposite of what I dream of (ha-ha) for my life at home, which is to live more simply and engaged. 

This is all something I have known for a long time but have never really put into words before. That's why I love this blog so much, because when I decided I was going to write about this I forced myself to think hard about it all. I've told myself before that I was going to slow down with social media, thus slow down the in-flow of ideas, but never really had a plan. Plus you have to admit, when you're not at least on facebook you tend to miss a LOT, including invitations to parties and important emails from people who don't have your real email. But I do want to change, so I've decided here and now that I am going to. Who knows, maybe exchanging "likes" and hashtags for phone calls, letters and visits will earn me some radical points in this crazy culture we are living in. Sounds kind of adventurous. I like that.

Lindsay's Top 5 Tips For Staying Warm In The Winter.

I am one of those people who are always cold. Hands and feet like ice, shivering with a sweater, that's me. My nose is even cold most of the time. Over the past few winters Dave and I were constantly battling over the thermostat, he would turn it down and I would turn it up. He likes it at 69, I like it at 73, at least. This winter I am determined to make 69 degrees work in our home, not only to save money but also to battle way too dry air. You know that feeling when you wake up so thirsty and your tongue is dry ALL the way down? Not good. So without further adieu, here are my top 5 best tips for always cold people to stay warm this winter.

1. Drink hot tea. It is hydrating, tasty, and warms your body to the core. It also warms my icy hands as I hold the mug. You could really do any hot drink, like cocoa or coffee, but tea is my drink of choice to keep warm because I can drink a lot of it and not worry about caffeine or staying hydrated.

2. Wear fuzzy socks. Wear them alone or over regular socks. They seriously make a big difference! If my feet are warm, chances are so is the rest of my body. Fuzzy socks are so comfortable and come in so many cute designs. It is my version of pretty toenail polish for the winter- it just makes me happy when I look down.

3. Layer up. I don't know why it took me so long to get this. I don't care if I'm not planning on leaving the house the entire day- I will put on a t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, button up sweater and top it off with a scarf. Over the past 2 winters poor Dave has come home too many times to me in a robe trying to stay warm. Sure they are comfy and cute for certain times but they are not clothes and leeeet's be honest- not very sexy. Like I said, they are a "certain time" thing to wear, not an every day outfit. So layering clothes helps me stay warm and keeps Dave's jokes about me "shedding my winter coat" in the spring at bay. ;)

4. Clean! So with all that layering I just told you about, once I get moving around putting things away, vacuuming and going up and down the stairs with a toddler I find myself taking off all those layers because I get HOT! That is a good feeling, plus then I have a clean house to boot.

5. Cuddle up with the ones you love. There is simply nothing better in this world than getting the whole family on one couch under a blanket sharing body heat while you eat popcorn and watch a movie. If not good for anything else, winter is great for keeping those you love close. Take advantage!

So these are my top 5 tips that have been working wonders for me so far this winter. Only a few months 'til spring! ;)

Paying Off Debt: A Great Story

Happy December, Friends!

Tonight I want to share with you an exciting season that Dave and I are entering into. We have made the decision to radically pay off our student loans, literally as fast as we can. We are using Dave Ramsey's debt snowball, and since student loans are the only debt we have (besides our house, of course) we hope this will be a shorter, rather than longer, season.

It all started a couple months ago when Dave and I had a deep discussion about tithing and giving. We really want to give more without worrying about being so tight through the month, and we want to get to a place where we don't have to be such sticklers about things like our grocery budget. Don't get me wrong, I know things like that will fluctuate some each time, but if we aren't careful we can easily break our budget just on groceries. What it all boils down to is we want to glorify God with our finances, and it is difficult to do that when we are paying SO MUCH to student loans every month.

So after that discussion, we had a day where we were feeling a little down about our finances. We were thinking negative thoughts, like how we can only afford to pay the minimum balance on our loans and how there really isn't anything extra we can cut out of our budget. Then on the second day, we had en epiphany. We decided that we were not going to be victims, that our debt is temporary, and how temporary it is going to be is really up to us.

So we looked at our finances again. We saw things that we didn't see before and thought of more radical ideas that, when you think about them, aren't too radical after all.

"Do we really need two cars?"

"How much money could we save by dropping down to one car?" <~~~ a lot, actually, when you include the car payment, cost of insurance and extra gas.

"Do we NEED our smartphones? How much money could we save by downgrading back to our old 'dumb phones'?"

"Could we shave anything off our grocery budget? even just $10 a week?"

"Where can we pull in some extra income on the side?"

"What would it look like to stop using debit cards and start paying cash for everything?"

Once we started asking ourselves these questions and just entertaining these ideas, we actually got excited as we looked at the numbers and realized how much extra money we could channel into our loans. We were under no impression that it would be easy our fun, but we reminded ourselves that the luxury of having all these "things" and conveniences was costing us exponentially more than we were paying for them when you consider how much they were stunting our ability to pay off our loans.

I will never forget the day we deactivated our smart phones and reactivated our battered old dumb phones we pulled out of storage. I had wanted an iphone for so long and I had just gotten mine a couple months prior. I know it is a material matter but I won't lie and say I didn't feel that sting a little. But I also had peace knowing that we were doing the right thing. What stood out to me most about that day is when Dave looked at me and said, "This might just be one of the greatest stories of our marriage." Funny how that happens during the more trying seasons.  ;)

Now here is the real kicker. About a week after we made this decision, we no longer had smart phones and Dave had put his car up for sale. I had told my dad about our plan, and he thought it was a great idea and was very proud of us. He thought it was a little radical to only have one car with the boys, but I assured him that we would be fine. So many families have done it and still do it every day, how would we be any different? So a week later, Dad came over for a visit, and informed us out of the blue that he wanted to BUY US A VEHICLE, plus pay the insurance for a year. That way we would have two paid for vehicles and no extra insurance cost. Wow! What a blessing! We saw it as almost immediate affirmation that we are doing the right thing.

So we are now the proud owners of a new-to-us 2007 Town & Country Minivan. Let me tell you, I will never again make fun of minivans- they are AWESOME. So much room and the stow-and-go seats are so convenient! They boys also love having the extra space. I am so grateful, to my dad for his sacrifice and to God for his provision.

So here we are- still in the beginning of this little adventure. I am working on the whole pay-with-cash thing, it is quite different when you're used to never having cash! I am also looking for ways to make meals go farther and just little grocery saving tips and tricks. I am putting all my side money from doing hair directly into student loans (after the tithe), and Dave and I have already paid off one small loan and it felt GOOD.

I am so looking forward to the day we can say we are free from student loan debt. However, while the natural challenges of this season are inevitable, I am looking forward to  the unforseen blessings of this season, however simple, that will indeed make it one of the greatest stories of our marriage.