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Lindsay's Top 5 Tips For Staying Warm In The Winter.

I am one of those people who are always cold. Hands and feet like ice, shivering with a sweater, that's me. My nose is even cold most of the time. Over the past few winters Dave and I were constantly battling over the thermostat, he would turn it down and I would turn it up. He likes it at 69, I like it at 73, at least. This winter I am determined to make 69 degrees work in our home, not only to save money but also to battle way too dry air. You know that feeling when you wake up so thirsty and your tongue is dry ALL the way down? Not good. So without further adieu, here are my top 5 best tips for always cold people to stay warm this winter.

1. Drink hot tea. It is hydrating, tasty, and warms your body to the core. It also warms my icy hands as I hold the mug. You could really do any hot drink, like cocoa or coffee, but tea is my drink of choice to keep warm because I can drink a lot of it and not worry about caffeine or staying hydrated.

2. Wear fuzzy socks. Wear them alone or over regular socks. They seriously make a big difference! If my feet are warm, chances are so is the rest of my body. Fuzzy socks are so comfortable and come in so many cute designs. It is my version of pretty toenail polish for the winter- it just makes me happy when I look down.

3. Layer up. I don't know why it took me so long to get this. I don't care if I'm not planning on leaving the house the entire day- I will put on a t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, button up sweater and top it off with a scarf. Over the past 2 winters poor Dave has come home too many times to me in a robe trying to stay warm. Sure they are comfy and cute for certain times but they are not clothes and leeeet's be honest- not very sexy. Like I said, they are a "certain time" thing to wear, not an every day outfit. So layering clothes helps me stay warm and keeps Dave's jokes about me "shedding my winter coat" in the spring at bay. ;)

4. Clean! So with all that layering I just told you about, once I get moving around putting things away, vacuuming and going up and down the stairs with a toddler I find myself taking off all those layers because I get HOT! That is a good feeling, plus then I have a clean house to boot.

5. Cuddle up with the ones you love. There is simply nothing better in this world than getting the whole family on one couch under a blanket sharing body heat while you eat popcorn and watch a movie. If not good for anything else, winter is great for keeping those you love close. Take advantage!

So these are my top 5 tips that have been working wonders for me so far this winter. Only a few months 'til spring! ;)

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