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Things I'm Loving Lately

So I totally have about 1,325,985 things I've been wanting to blog about lately, but the life of a mama requires healthy priorities, am I right? That being said there are a few things I have been enjoying this summer that I thought I would share with you!!

1. Homemade lattes. Ok technically it's coffee because I don't use espresso at home (I'm not that fancy). Still amazing all the same!

2. Essential oils. Peace and calming = heaven in a bottle.

3. Chia pudding. It tastes like healthy tapioca. :-)

4. Organizing. I have accepted that as long as I have littles in the home it will never be perfectly clean. There is always at least one or two areas in disarray... But I have been loving getting Zach's room ready for kindergarten and Julian's room set up- he has now been down there for three days and loves it! It was seriously so fun and he loves his new decorations to look at! Little sweetie :-) Organizing is a process- I am learning to just trust it!

5. Squishy baby legs learning to walk = the best thing ever.

6. Decorating our home. Aaaaah it is so fun! Time consuming, but fun!

7. Not blow drying my hair. I am the queen of buns and braids this summer. In the words of Jen Hatmaker: just, whatever man.

8. Instagram! Is it creepy that I saw a lady at the health food store who is the mom of a girl I follow (who I don't know either). I knew who she was, that she was married with two grown kids, and has dietary restrictions. And she had noooo idea who I was. So aside from that creepiness, I am becoming so inspired by photography and love pretty pictures. :-)

9. Living in the moment. Going off the above statement, I am being purposeful about being present for moments instead if whipping out my phone to capture them every 5 seconds. I love taking cute pictures but want to keep it in healthy boundaries and set a good example for my children of being present and not always in a screen!

10. Nursing. Ju-ju will be 1 year old this month (two days before his daddy's birthday)! We are still going strong and don't see any reason to stop as of yet. I will be introducing him to almond milk shortly once his doc approves, and let him wean when he is good and ready!

11. Getting Z ready for kindergarten! Okay... I think I am more excited about it than he is!! It will be bittersweet and I know I am going to cry on his first day, but I'm so looking forward to him being in such a great school system and making friends and that we live so close to the school and that I can be so involved! *breathe* We changed his room all around, put the big bed in his room (which he loves) and have hooks on his walls for his backpack and coat and put his desk by the window... Aaaand got all his school supplies! Kindergarten here we come!!

Here are some of my favorite pictures from this summer:

Sleepovers with sweet friends :)

Happy baby at the park!

Checking out the farmers market.

Artsy outfit/ feet shots :-)

Riding bikes through mud puddles!

Pumping gas in the rain! This was seriously so fun.
 It was just downpouring and I was cracking up the entire time.

On Father's Day- love this man!

He is SO full of joy!

My sweet boy!

My cousin Nic (who is more like a brother) pushing the stroller and holding hands with Z. He is SUCH a great uncle!

My mom, aunt and sister doing one...two...three.... WOOOOO!!!! Zoom into my mom's face, it's hilarious!

With my boy at a memorial service.

Love my cuz!

Sister love <3

<< We work out >>

First turtle save ever, together! Check out the claws on that thang!

Playing in the rain!

Who doesn't love a baby butt?

This is what I get to see when I'm nursing. Beautiful blue-eyed baby!

Haircuts on the kitchen table. We like to play around when it's half done, hah!

Cute babe.

Impromptu girlfriend dates with beautiful Erika!

My mom stayed all of June- it was amazing! Loved mom and sister nights!

Mount baby.

Sleepy baby face.

Another artsy outfit/ flower shot. Why yes, those were picked for me by my sweet 5 year old!

Running into friends at the Riverwalk Festival :-)

Just... can't... handle...

Absolutely love nursing!!

Caught this man-boy praying when he heard a siren. Proud mama moment!

Dragons like peas too, of course!

Organizing win! Finally somewhere for potatoes, onions and squash!

Zach is quite the photographer, too!

This is just the best. Don't even mind the mess.
I'm a poet and I don't even know it.
But my feet sure show it...
They're Longfellows.

Lion says... RAAAAWWRRR!!!

Baby curls!!

Date night downtown with the love of my life!

In LOVE with these eyes :-)

Sunflower surprise from my sweet husband!

Again... who doesn't love a baby butt?

Heaven in a cup. Or, crack coffee.

More please!

Squishy baby lips. AHH!

Handsome man-child.

I just love this.

It's been a great summer so far! We're going to enjoy the rest of it fully before heading into my favorite season ever- FALL!!!

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