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Springtime Surprise!

A couple weeks ago, we found out we are expecting! Hooray!

Needless to say, we are VERY excited! I am currently five weeks along and we have already shared the news with everyone. I know it is early, but the way i see it, this is most likely going to be our last child so why not enjoy it the whole time? I know I am still in the "risk" period but I figure if the worst happens we have more people to walk us through it. Hopefully that won't be the case and we get to enjoy this journey with our friends and family for the next eight months! Yay!

Since this could very well be my last pregnancy, I have decided I am going to enjoy it to the fullest. I want to try hard to blog more and document it as well as other topics because we have a lot going on right now and I love looking back on life. I really do love this blog and everything in it! So without further adieu, here is my very first "bumpdate"! :)

How far along:  5 weeks!

Size of the baby: The size of a sesame seed! 

Maternity clothes: Umm not yet, ha! Thanksfully we are heading into summer a.k.a. dress season so maybe it will be awhile yet.

Gender: We will find out in a few months. :)

Movement: Not yet. Wow, a lot of these questions really don't apply yet. Soon enough :)

Sleep: So far so good.

Cravings: Today I was craving a mint chocolate f'real something fierce! That was a little odd for me. 

Aversions: Today I was eating homemade pizza for lunch and was totally fine. Once I got to the last couple bites I felt so nauseous out of nowhere and had to literally spit out my food (yuck!). I tried sitting back down to finish but couldn't even look at my plate without gagging and had to close my eyes while I placed the plate in the sink. It was actually quite amusing.

Symptoms: Fatigue, beginnings of nausea. I'm one of those lucky ones that gets it at 5 weeks and it lasts all day. At least I know baby is growing and healthy!

Dave is: pretty much the same. Not much has changed yet in our little home.

The boys are: Well, Julian is oblivious but cute as ever, and Zach really really wants a little sister. In fact, everyone in my family is hoping for a girl. Honestly I could go either way. I've never had my heart set on having both genders, I would personally LOVE to have all boys! But let's be real- a little girl would be pretty awesome too. :)

Looking forward to: Having our first ultrasound in June and photographing my first wedding, hoping I won't be too sick. And finding out baby's gender hopefully sometime in July/August!

Best moments: Dave is really sweet to me when I'm pregnant. He gets protective of me when the boys want to play rough and it is so sweet. <3

That's all for now! Thanks for sharing the journey with me!

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