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My Little Man is 3!

WOW- time flies! Last week my little man turned three, and I can't believe it. Just now I was thinking about how I always call him my "little man". It's funny, because he really is a little man! He is such a boy, into all things cars and ourdoorsy, and of course pretending to shoot everything in sight. He even has this innate urge to protect me. On an almost daily basis he will tell me he is going to protect me from this or that. The other day I took him downstairs to do some laundry and he was one step ahead of me but kept me close by wrapping his arm around my leg, and led the way with his chest puffed out exclaiming "I will save you from the bugs! I will save you! I will save you, mommy! From the bugs!"  What a brave little man. :)

As I watch him grow and notice all his mannerisms and little things he picks up from his observations and perspectives on life, I grow ever more curious about the man God designed him to be. I wonder if some of the characteristics he is showing now are just a phase or if they will be with him his whole life. One thing I want is to be extra careful to foster his sense of identity. I want him to know who he is in Christ and feel validated and not stifle his boyhood. He is an aggressive little guy, but sweet and gentle also. He is very outgoing, AFTER he feels out his environment for a little awhile. He has a strong pull toward anything boyish (a.k.a. dangerous or destructive), and a strong urge to protect. And he's fiercely competitive. Not sure where he gets that because I'm definitely not. He will try to race me at dinner by eating his plate first, then exclaim "I beat you!" Even at 2 years old he's had some power struggles with Dave, a sign (I think) of his competitive nature.

What I'm trying to be careful to do is foster his heart and characteristics for good, while keeping him safe and teaching him how to be relational (a.k.a. NOT pretending to shoot the doctor). It is a very difficult thing to do, because all these things I see him do now that I don't necessarily like (his aggressiveness, power struggles, and pretending to shoot everything) may actually be his God-given gifts and talents presenting themselves in an immature, youthful way. I'm trying to be careful not to shoot down everything he wants to do that I don't like. I need to pray for guidance constantly and trust that God has great plans for him and that I am here to care for and guide this sweet boy. After expressing some minor concerns about Z during a counseling session, my counselor simply said, "Have you ever thought about the adult man that God has designed him to be?" That is where I need to be putting my thoughts toward and keeping in the forefront of my mind as I mother him. I love my little man so much and truly feel that God has great plans for him to be a brave, protective, secure and honorable man someday. As he grows up I will make sure that he knows it, too.


  1. I love how much you love your son! And I don't have kids yet, but I work with a lot of little boys and they are always playing fake guns, swords, and lightsabers. It seems very much ingrained in little boys. Also, I love how you are aware of who he is and who you want him to become.

  2. Thanks Nicole! It so neat to see his little heart evolve with each passing day. I can't wait for you and Kenny to start having kids!! Maybe in the near future??? ;) ;)
