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I have to title my thoughts? This could take some getting used to...

On a warm summer night about seven months ago, Dave told me I should start a blog. We were walking in a Lowell neighborhood at night, and it was the first night we held hands. I remember wondering why he mentioned that, and took it as a compliment that I might actually have something to say that is interesting. I am generally aware that other people will be reading what I write, so I tend to edit and smooth out the rawness of my words, thinking that there is somebody I have to "be". The result is bland, and this vice keeps me from being authentic in my writing, and that serves no purpose. 

Last night, Dave told me again that I should start a blog. His words were encouraging, and a reminder that I don't need to write for anyone but myself. This is the start of a unique journey for me, as I have never delved deeply into thought for the purpose of writing outside of an academic mindset that comes with editing and revising, which in turn slightly diminishishes the authenticity of my words. My purpose of the writings to come on this blog will be to present the reality of my life, the rawness of my thoughts, and genuine desire of my heart to love.

There are many things that could have followed that last sentence... to love life, to love people, to love God, to love the church, to love purely, to love openly, to love honestly, to love selflessly, to love unconditionally... and all would be fitting. Because I am human, the way I love can be complex and messy... but it can also be simple and pure. I hope to expose all of that, in honesty and reality, from my heart.

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